Histoires Extraordinaires (1968)
Horror Movies & Sci-Fi Movies Database
"Metzengerstein": the bored and corrupt medieval countess Frederica spends her futile life in orgies and cruelties. When she moves with her friends to one of her castles nearby the lands of her poor cousin Baron Wilhelm, she desires him but is not corresponded. When one of her minions burns the stable, Wilhelm dies trying to rescues his stallion and Federica is haunted by her lost cousin. "William Wilson": the sadistic and cruel soldier of the Austrian army William Wilson confesses to a priest the cruelties he committed along his sinful life and the participation of his double also called William Wilson in specific moments of his dreadful life. "Toby Dammit": the cynical alcoholic and decadent English actor Toby Dammit travels to Rome to make a Catholic Western, but only interested in receiving the Ferrari promised by the production.
Movie Tagline:
the ultimate orgy of evil
Also Known As:
Spirits of the Dead
Title: Histoires Extraordinaires Release Date: July 23, 1969
Runtime: 121 mins Genre: Horror All Genres: Horror, Mystery Languages: French, Italian, English Country: France, Italy Colors: Color Sound: Mono IMDB Rating: 6.6 Brimstone Pit Rating: 7.6 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With H
MPAA Rating: R
Federico Fellini
Louis Malle
Roger Vadim
Brigitte Bardot ...Giuseppina (segment William Wilson)
Alain Delon ...William Wilson (segment William Wilson)
Jane Fonda ...Contessa Frederique de Metzengerstein (segment...
Terence Stamp ...Toby Dammit (segment Toby Dammit)
James Robertson Justice ...Countess' Advisor (segment Metzengerstein)
Salvo Randone ...Priest (segment Toby Dammit)
Francoise Prevost ...Friend of Countess (segment Metzengerstein) (as...
Peter Fonda ......
Marlene Alexandre ...(segment Metzengerstein)
Marie Ange Anies ...(segment Metzengerstein)
David Bresson ...
Katia Christine ...young Girl (segment William Wilson) (as Katia...
Peter Dane ...
Georges Douking ...Du Lissier (segment Metzengerstein)
Philippe Lemaire ...Philippe (segment Metzengerstein)
Carla Marlier ...Claude (segment Metzengerstein)
Serge Marquand ...Hugues (segment Metzengerstein)
Umberto D'Orsi ...Hans (segment William Wilson)
Renzo Palmer ...Priest (segment William Wilson)
Monica Pardo ...
Marco Stefanelli ...Wilson as a child (segment William Wilson)
Anne Tonietti ...TV Commentator (segment Toby Dammit)
Daniele Vargas ...Professor (segment William Wilson)
Marina yaru ...Child / The Devil (segment Toby Dammit)
Fabrizio Angeli ...1st Director (segment Toby Dammit)
Franco Arcalli ...
Federico Boido ...Party Guest (segment Toby Dammit)
Ernesto Colli ...2nd Director (segment Toby Dammit)
Paul Cooper ...2nd Interviewer (segment Toby Dammit)
Dakar ...Black man at airport (segment Toby Dammit)
» [more cast members]
Raymond Eger
Alberto Grimaldi
Edgar Allan Poe
Roger Vadim
Pascal Cousin
Edgar Allan Poe
Louis Malle
Clement Biddle Wood
Daniel Boulanger
Edgar Allan Poe
Federico Fellini
Bernardino Zapponi
Diego Masson
Jean Prodromides
Nino Rota
Movie Soundtrack(s):
More Movie Taglines:
- the ultimate orgy of evil
- Edgar Allen Poe's ultimate orgy!
Movie Trivia:
- Peter O'Toole was originally cast as Toby Dammit. After he pulled out, Federico Fellini contacted a London casting agency and asked them to send the most decadent actors they had to Rome to see him. They sent Terence Stamp and James Fox, and Fellini chose Stamp.
The film was originally to have been directed by Orson Welles, Luis Buñuel and Federico Fellini.
IMDB Links:
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Actor, Priest, Desire, Army, Catholic ...[more]
Keywords All:
Rescue, Decapitation, Jumping, Whip, Promise, Omnibus, Rape, Party, Lust, Sword Fight, Stabbing Self, Suicide, Suicide By Jumping From Church Steeple, Sadism, Head, Horse, Italian Soldier, Encounter, Stabbing, Female Nudity, Camera, Look Alike, Alter Ego, Officer, Middle Ages, Foreign Language Adaptation, Soul, Female Frontal Nudity, Wager, Boy, Pardon, Obsession, Britain, Anthology, Goth, Victim, Ball, Destiny, Confession, Car, Fire, Medical School, Road, Scalpel, Gambling, Church Steeple, Torture, Rat, Ghost, Animal, Duel, Classmate, Whipping, Haunted By Past, Doppelganger, Rome Italy, Italy, Affection, Surrealism, Speed, Revenge, Haunting, Guilt, Childhood, Based On Short Story, Death, Employment, Anesthesia, Humiliation, Sadist, Church, Three Stories, Bridge, Penance, Jumping From Church Steeple, Cousin Cousin Relationship, Murder, Nudity, Strapped To Table

Rating: 7.6 out of 10.0 - 68 votes cast total
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