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The night sets over Los Angeles and the NIGHTSTALKER speeds through downtown, smoking crack and searching for prostitutes, he finds both. After realizing he can't get what he wants from women, he sets off to feed his unholy hunger by heading into the suburbs of East Los Angeles where he murders and rapes a young woman as she sleeps in her house. Five days later, a young and beautiful beat cop, GABRIELLA MARTINEZ and her older, corrupt partner, FRANK LUIS, answer a call to a home and find the bodies of the young woman and her husband, mutilated and marked by Satanic ritual. Over the next few weeks, the Nightstalker continues his reign of terror and after more gruesome murders, Gabriella Martinez is offered a job on the task force investigating the murders that have kept the city of East Los Angeles in a state of total fear. Although skeptical of the reasons for her promotion, she nevertheless decides to try and make a difference and catch this killer who represents everything that she stands against. LIEUTENANT MAyBERRy and DETECTIVE ELLIOTT, her superiors on the task force, offer her a lukewarm welcome. Distracted by her own life choices, the inappropriate advances of co-workers, and the homelife she has been forced to play the role of patriarch in, she makes an error of judgment by leaking classified information to a young, aggressive reporter, ADRIANNE DELOIA. Suspended from the force, Martinez is visited by her old partner, Luis, who tells her that through some "dirty" policework he found out where the suspect was hiding. Still interested in doing the right thing, Martinez convinces Luis to take her downtown where she learns that the Nightstalker has picked her and the reporter as his next victims. Martinez and the Nightstalker become engaged in a game of cat-and-mouse that ends up with Martinez being force to decide between killing this murderer or letting him be arrested... Deciding to take a new path in her life, she lets him go. The same world which created this monster will now take his life, but she will not poison herself by killing another human being and becoming like him.
Movie Tagline:
Based On A True Story
Title: Nightstalker Release Date: November 10, 2002
Runtime: 95 mins Genre: Crime All Genres: Crime, Horror Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Color IMDB Rating: 3.5 Brimstone Pit Rating: 4.5 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With N
MPAA Rating: R
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated R for strong violence, language, drug use and sexuality.
Chris Fisher
Bret Roberts ...Nightstalker
Joseph McKelheer ...Demon
Roxanne Day ...Cherry
Julian Garcia ...Man on Couch
Christine Long ...Maria
Mikal Kartvedt ...SWAT officer (as Mike Kartvedt)
Ana Mercedes ...Mrs. Riviera
Roselyn Sanchez ...Gabriella Martinez
Danny Trejo ...Officer Frank Luis
Derek Hamilton ...Detective Elliot
Evan Parke ...Lieutenant Mayberry (as Evan Dexter Parke)
Brandi Emma ...Adrianne DeLoia
A.J. Buckley ...Somo
Douglas Spain ...Father Rodriguez
Aimee Graham ...Mercedes Woman
Marie Caldare ...Sleeping Woman
Lillian Hurst ...Thelma Martinez
Chay Santini ...Teenage Girl
Eduardo Garcia ...Teenager's Father
Patricia Rae ...Teenager's Mother
Maria F. Quinones ...Female Reporter #2
Hayley Taylor ...Female Reporter #1
Michael Hegedus ...Chief Bates
Stephen R. Hudis ...Swat Officer #2
Remaining Cast:
Anthony Fiorino
Chris Fisher
Todd King
Phil Knowles
Francoise Koster
Ash R. Shah
Danny Trejo
Chris Fisher
Ryan Beveridge
Nightstalker Horror Film Trailer 1
More Movie Taglines:
Movie Quote(s):
- Nightstalker: But I'm not gonna be gone, EVER
Movie Trivia:
- Derek Hamilton who plays Detective Elliot was the first person cast in the movie. Director Chris Fisher had previously worked with him in a movie he wrote and produced called Taboo. Casted him because since this was his first time directing, he wanted someone he was comfortable with who knew him and what he was going for. In fact Derek was hired while the script was still being written, and even helped with his character's development.
Bret Roberts who plays the Nightstalker was also cast early. Director Chris Fisher met him in 2000 at the Sundance Film Festival. He was passed out on Chris's couch in the middle of the afternoon. Chris didn't know who he was, so he shook him and asked. The two ended up becoming good friends. And Chris cast Bret because of his resemblance to Richard Ramirez. Who's story the film is based on.
The movie was shot in 16 days. Three five day weeks. Then one extra day.
The movie was edited in editor Daniel R. Padgett's living room.
Most of the locations shot at were either free or donated. Some are even the houses of crew member's who worked on the film.
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Nightstalker, Rape, Dead Woman, Stabbing, Serial Killer ...[more]

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