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There's a campus killer on the loose who's making urban legends, like the one about eating pop rocks and soda at the same time will make your stomach explode and the one about a psycho with an axe stepping into the backseat of your car at the gas station when not looking, into reality.
Movie Tagline:
It Happened To Someone Who Knows Someone You Know... You're Next.
Also Known As:
Urban Legends
Title: Urban Legend Release Date: September 25, 1998
Runtime: 99 mins Genre: Horror All Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery Languages: English Country: USA, France Colors: Color Sound: Dolby Digital, SDDS IMDB Rating: 5.1 Brimstone Pit Rating: 6.1 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With U
MPAA Rating: R
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated R for horror violence/gore, language and sexual content.
Jamie Blanks
Jared Leto ...Paul Gardener
Alicia Witt ...Natalie Simon
Rebecca Gayheart ...Brenda Bates
Michael Rosenbaum ...Parker Riley
Loretta Devine ...Reese Wilson
Joshua Jackson ...Damon Brooks
Tara Reid ...Sasha Thomas
John Neville ...Dean Adams
Julian Richings ...Weird Janitor
Robert Englund ...Professor William Wexler
Danielle Harris ...Tosh Guaneri
Natasha Gregson Wagner ...Michelle Mancini
Gord Martineau ...David McAree
Kay Hawtrey ...Library Attendant
Angela Vint ...Bitchy Girl
J.C. Kenny ...Weather Woman
Vince Corazza ...David Evans (as Vince Corrazza)
Balazs Koos ...Nerdy Guy
Stephanie Mills ...Felicia
Danny Comden ...Blake
Nancy McAlear ...Jenny
Shawn Mathieson ...Hippie Guy
Cle Bennett ...Dorky Guy
Danielle Brett ...Trendy Girl
Roberta Angelica ...Swimming Woman
Matt Birman ...Killer
Brad Dourif ...Michael McDonnell, gas station attendant
Silvio Horta ...College Student
Remaining Cast:
Brad Luff
Gina Matthews
Michael McDonnell
Neal H. Moritz
Brian Leslie Parker
Silvio Horta
Christopher young
Urban Legend Horror Film Trailer 1
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"Save Yourself"
"Zoot Suit Riot"
"Total Eclipse of the Heart"
"Love Rollercoaster"
"Comin' Back"
"Spook Show Baby"
"Crop Circle"
"I Don't Want to Wait"
"The Only One"
More Movie Taglines:
- It Happened To Someone Who Knows Someone You Know... You're Next.
- What You Don't Believe Can Kill You.
- Just because it didn't happen, doesn't mean it can't
- Urban legends can kill
- At Pendelton Univ., Urban Legends are coming true!
- Never Talk To Strangers, Never Answer The Phone, Never Flash Your Lights, Never Leave The Car, And Always Believe, What You're Told
Movie Quote(s):
- Sasha: Spit it out Felicia. Felicia: Thats just the problem, I didn't.
Dean Adams: Missing? He's not missing! It's the weekend. He's most likley shacked up in some motel with a girl. Or a guy... farm animal... whatever! Weren't you ever eighteen? Reese Wilson: Not that kind of eighteen.
Parker: Please, Damon is the biggest practical joker I know. He once convinced a sophomore that he was the middle Hanson brother just so he could get laid.
[to Natalie, Brenda, Paul, and Sasha] Parker: Don't you guys get it? Come on, it's just like that urban legend. Natalie: What are you talking about? Parker: You know the story, A boy and a girl, parked out in the woods, making out... Brenda: [to Natalie] You made out with him?
Damon: Hey, we're going down to Parker's dorm. Hootie's gonna pierce his nose. Natalie: Hootie's a dog, Damon. Damon: That's no reason why he can't be hip.
Movie Trivia:
- If you look behind Natalie and Parker in the auditorium, you will see the writer Silvio Horta acting as a college student.
When Paul and Natalie walk into the hidden room in Wexler's office, a puppet of Freddy Krueger can be seen just before they see the axe. Robert Englund, who plays Wexler, played Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).
The book sitting on the desk in Professor Wexler's desk in his class is "The Vanishing Hitchhiker," which is one of the seminal texts on urban legends.
Joshua Jackson (Damon Brooks) cranks his car before he takes Natalie to "that" spot in the woods; when it cranks the radio plays Paula Cole's "I Don't Want to Wait" from the TV show "Dawson's Creek" (1998) also starring Jackson.
At the end of the movie, students from an unnamed college recount the movie's events as an urban legend. They joke about the tale's validity, and one says, "And I bet Brenda was the girl from the Noxzema commercials." Actress Rebecca Gayheart, who plays Brenda in the film, did indeed appear in several commercials for Noxzema.
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Urban Legend, Campus, Axe, College, Murder ...[more]
Keywords All:
Gas Station, Spreadeagle, Serial Killer, Flashback Sequence, Slasher Flick, Tied To Bed, Goth Girl, Tire Spikes, Hanged Boy, Teen Movie, Impalement, Product Placement, Violence, Strangulation, Radio, Pepsi, Hanging, Fraternity, Mystery Killer, Axe Murder, Swimming Pool, Vomit Scene, Microwave, Decapitation, Lifting Person In Air, Parking Garage, Dark And Stormy Night, Teen, Convicted Felon, Candle, Teenkill, Road, Slasher, Suspicion, Car Trouble, Rain, Microwave Oven, Poodle, College Campus, Scalpel, Stabbed In The Stomach, Disc Jockey, Sex, Stuck During Sex, Bridge, Telephone, Radio Station, Gagged And Bound, Party, Female Psychopath, Journalism, Splatter, Surprise Ending

Rating: 6.1 out of 10.0 - 63 votes cast total
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