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'The Village' depicts the tale of an isolated town confronting the astonishing truth that lies just outside its borders. At first glance, this village seems picture perfect, but this close-knit community lives with the frightening knowledge that creatures reside in the surrounding woods. The evil and foreboding force is so unnerving that none dare venture beyond the borders of the village and into the woods. But when curious, headstrong Lucius Hunt plans to step beyond the boundaries of the town and into the unknown, his bold move threatens to forever change the future of the village.
Movie Tagline:
Their Days Of Peace Are Over (Denmark)
Also Known As:
M. Night Shyamalan's The Village
The Woods
Title: VIllage, The Release Date: July 26, 2004
Runtime: 108 mins Genre: Horror All Genres: Horror, Thriller Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Color Sound: DTS-ES, Dolby Digital EX, SDDS IMDB Rating: 6.6 Brimstone Pit Rating: 7.6 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With V
MPAA Rating: PG-13
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated PG-13 for a scene of violence and frightening situations.
M. Night Shyamalan
Bryce Dallas Howard ...Ivy Walker
Joaquin Phoenix ...Lucius Hunt
Adrien Brody ...Noah Percy
William Hurt ...Edward Walker
Sigourney Weaver ...Alice Hunt
Brendan Gleeson ...August Nicholson
Cherry Jones ...Mrs. Clack
Celia Weston ...Vivian Percy
John Christopher Jones ...Robert Percy
Frank Collison ...Victor
Jayne Atkinson ...Tabitha Walker
Judy Greer ...Kitty Walker
Fran Kranz ...Christop Crane
Michael Pitt ...Finton Coin
Jesse Eisenberg ...Jamison
Charlie Hofheimer ...young Security Guard
Scott Sowers ...Man With The Raised Eyebrows
Zack Wall ...Donald
Pascale Renate Smith ...Marybeth
Jordan Burt ...12-year-Old-Boy
Jane Lowe ...Brown-Eyed Girl
Charlie McDermott ...10-year-Old-Boy
Robert Lenzi ...young Man
Willem Zuur ...Gerald
Liz Stauber ...Beatrice
Tim Moyer ...Flustered Man
Sydney Shapiro ...Oldest Walker Daughter
Mia Rose Colona ...Middle Walker Daughter
Chloe Wieczkowski ...youngest Walker Daughter
Sydney Wieczkowski ...youngest Walker Daughter
» [more cast members]
Sam Mercer
Jose L. Rodriguez
Scott Rudin
M. Night Shyamalan
M. Night Shyamalan
James Newton Howard
The VIllage Horror Film Trailer 1
The VIllage Horror Film Trailer 2
The VIllage Horror Film Trailer 3
More Movie Taglines:
- Their Days Of Peace Are Over (Denmark)
- Run. The truce is ending.
- I: Let the bad color not be seen. It attracts them. II: Never enter the woods. That is where they wait. III: Heed the warning bell, for they are coming.
- There is no turning back
Movie Quote(s):
- Edward Walker: Ivy... Ivy Walker: Yes, father. Edward Walker: Do your very best not to scream.
Ivy Walker: I am in love. Edward Walker: I know. Ivy Walker: He is in love with me. Edward Walker: I know. Ivy Walker: If he dies... all that is life to me will die with him.
Ivy Walker: My sister cried alot. You wonder how I recognize you? Some people - just a handful, mind you - give off the tiniest color. It's faint. Like a haze. It's the only thing I ever see in the darkness. Papa has it, too. Do you wonder what your color is? Well, that I won't tell you. It's not ladylike to speak of such things. You shouldn't even have asked. [pause] Lucius Hunt: You run like a boy. Ivy Walker: Thank you. I know why you denied my sister. When I was younger... you used to hold my arm when I walked. Then suddenly you stopped. One day, I even tripped in your presence and nearly fell. I was faking, of course, but still you did not hold me. Sometimes we don't do things we want to do so that others won't know we want to do them.
Ivy Walker: [to Noah] What's this? Oh, berries. What a splendid present. [laughs] Lucius Hunt: Be cautious. You are holding the bad color. Ivy Walker: [gasping] ... This color attracts Those We Do Not Speak Of. You must bury it. You ought not to pick that color berry anymore. Lucius Hunt: ...He picked it from his pocket. Ivy Walker: What's wrong? Your breathing has changed. Lucius Hunt: I've never set eyes on these before. [to Noah] Lucius Hunt: You did not pick that now. Where did you find this?
Kevin: Where are you from? Ivy Walker: The woods.
Movie Trivia:
- Kirsten Dunst was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard after dropping out to star in Elizabethtown (2005).
The inspiration for the story comes from two unlikely sources: "Wuthering Heights" for the period drama, and King Kong (1933) for the community living in fear of predatory creatures.
The director cast Bryce Dallas Howard without an audition after seeing her perform on stage.
Alice Hunt tells her son Lucius, played by Joaquin Phoenix, that he reminds her of a colt. In real life, Phoenix was named "The Colt" by Vanity Fair Magazine in 2001.
The role of Lucius Hunt was written for Joaquin Phoenix.
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Village, Woods, Creature, Pact, Town ...[more]
Keywords All:
Pennsylvania, Community, Forest, Fear, Living In Fear, Bravery, Fireplace, Walking Cane, Hide And Seek, Berry, Blood, Grief Counseling, Road, Stabbed In The Chest, Bare Chested Male, Single Mother, Throwing Rock, Visually Impaired Person, 2000s, Wedding, Wedding Ceremony, Myth, Climbing Up Wall, City Country Contrast, Isolation, Drawing, Death Of Loved One, 1890s, Stabbed In The Stomach, Locked In Room, Costume, Basement, Photograph, Loss Of Loved One, Jeep, Blind Woman, Mentally Handicapped, Park Ranger, Ladder, Community Meeting, Dead Animal, Newspaper Clipping, Infection, Mother Son Relationship, Hope, Female Slaps Male, Director Cameo, Red, Lie, Punishment, Animal Killing, Dance, Flashback, Slow Motion Scene, Husband Wife Relationship, Constructivism, Blindness, Mysterious Beast, Fog, Foot Race, Hiding In Closet, Warning Bell, Autumn, New England, Lookout Station, Teacher, Oath, Fall To Death, Blood On Shirt, Professor, Secret, Critically Bashed, Doctor, Funeral, Wealth, Box, Feast, Death Of Sister, Stabbing, Chase, Flower, Greed, Sister Sister Relationship, Murder Suicide, Medicine, Death, Death Of Brother, Fire Wood, Guard, Character Says I Love You, Tombstone, Covered In Mud, Brother Sister Relationship, Wildlife Reserve, Love, Suspense, Yellow, Face Slap, Jealousy, Father Daughter Relationship, Skinning, Death Of Father, Death Of Child, Death Of Son, Title Spoken By Character, Surprise Ending, Plot Twist, Twist In The End, Twist Ending

Rating: 7.6 out of 10.0 - 66 votes cast total
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