In a post-zombie world, where the infected live normal lives, their retroviral drug is running out.
Title: Returned, The Release Date: February 14, 2014
Runtime: 98 mins Genre: Drama All Genres: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller Languages: English IMDB Rating: 5.9 Brimstone Pit Rating: 6.9 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With R
MPAA Rating: 15
Manuel Carballo
Emily Hampshire ...Kate
Kris Holden Ried ...Alex
Claudia Bassols ...Amber
Shawn Doyle ...Jacob
Melina Matthews ...Eve
Paul Anthony ...Government Spokesperson
Barry Flatman ...Hospital Chief
Jamie Lyle ...Doctor
Paulino Nunes ...Detective Cawl
Emily Alatalo ...TV Street Reporter
Phil Guerrero ...Lee Fung
Romy Weltman ...Kate @13
Mark Schardan ...(voice)
Stephen Chambers ...Anti-Returned Activist
Brian Christopher ...Gas Station Attendant (as Brian Mifsud)
Evie Moores ...Nurse
Andy Hull ...Mover
Joseph Wynne ...Hooded Man #2
Rayvin Nyte ...Nurse
Michael Cleland ...Infected patient / passerby
Jack Sansone ...Zombie Soldier
Jonathan Lewis ...Country House Zombie
Josh Pattynama ...Infected Boy
Andy Boorman ...Detective Anderson
Mark Roeder ...Music Student
Garrett Ryan ...Slingshot Boy
Leo Petrus ...Conference Guy
Lewis Hodgson ...Military Dr.
Dave Raymond ...Returned Activist
Rhea Akler ...Kate's Mother
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George Ayoub
Valentina Chidichino
Alfredo Contreras
Carlos Fernández
Julio Fernández
Sandra Fernández
Teresa Gefaell
Gary Howsam
Bill Marks
Adrià Monés
Tony Thatcher
Hatem Khraiche
Hatem Khraiche
Jonathan Goldsmith
The Returned Horror Film Trailer 1
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zombie, zombie apocalypse, two word title, infection, walking dead ...[more]
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