The Last Starfighter (1984)
Horror Movies & Sci-Fi Movies Database
This is the story of a videogaming boy, named Alex Rogan who lives in a remote trailer court where his mother is manager and everyone is like a big extended family. Meanwhile, Alex becomes the top player of Starfighter, a stand-up arcade game where the player defends "the frontier" from "Xur and the Kodan armada" in a space battle. After achieving his best score, he is approached by the game's inventor, Centauri. Stepping into Centauri's vehicle, he is seemingly doomed to stay at his trailer park home all in his life, he finds himself recruited as a gunner for an alien defense force when Centauri is a disguised alien who whisks him off to another planet.
Movie Tagline:
In his wildest dreams Alex never suspected that tonight he would become...The Last Starfighter
Title: Last Starfighter, The Release Date: July 13, 1984
Runtime: 101 mins Genre: Action All Genres: Action, Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Color Sound: 70 mm 6-Track, Dolby IMDB Rating: 6.4 Brimstone Pit Rating: 7.4 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With L
MPAA Rating: PG
Nick Castle
Lance Guest ...Alex Rogan / Beta Alex
Dan O'Herlihy ...Grig
Catherine Mary Stewart ...Maggie Gordon
Barbara Bosson ...Jane Rogan
Norman Snow ...Xur
Robert Preston ...Centauri
Chris Hebert ...Louis Rogan
John O'Leary ...Rylan Bursar
George McDaniel ...Kodan Officer
Charlene Nelson ...Rylan Technician
John Maio ...Friendly Alien
Robert Starr ...Underling
Al Berry ...Rylan Spy
Scott Dunlop ...Tentacle Alien
Vernon Washington ...Otis
Peter Nelson ...Jack Blake
Peggy Pope ...Elvira
Meg Wyllie ...Granny Gordon
Ellen Blake ...Clara Potter
Britt Leach ...Mr. Potter
Bunny Summers ...Mrs. Boone
Owen Bush ...Mr. Boone
Marc Alaimo ...Hitchhiker
Cameron Dye ...Andy
Geoffrey Blake ...Gary
Kimberly Ross ...Cheerleader II
Wil Wheaton ...Louis' Friend
Bob Kenaston ...Uncle Bob
Ed Berke ...Cop #1
Kay E. Kuter ...Enduran
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Gary Adelson
Edward O. Denault
John Whitney Jr.
Robert Swanson
Jonathan R. Betuel
Craig Safan
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"Never Crossed My Mind"
"Satisfy The Night"
"Red Eyes"
More Movie Taglines:
- In his wildest dreams Alex never suspected that tonight he would become...The Last Starfighter
- He didn't find his dreams... his dreams found him.
- Alex Rogan is a small town teenager with big time dreams. Dreams of college... of success... of marrying his girlfriend, Maggie. He's just like everybody else, except Alex has a very special talent... that no one on Earth can appreciate. But, tonight, a mysterious stranger has called on Alex. He's come from a galaxy that's under attack from an alien force. And Alex's unique ability is their last hope.
- He's got one extraordinary chance at the dream of a lifetime.
Movie Quote(s):
- Grig: I've always wanted to fight a desperate battle against incredible odds.
Alex Rogan: Wait a minute. When did the hangar go up? Grig: I told you! When Zur attacked! Alex Rogan: And were the Starfighters? Grig: In the hangar! Alex Rogan: You mean they're *dead*? Grig: [scoffs] Death is a primitive concept. I prefer to think of them as battling evil, in another dimension. Alex Rogan: In another dimension? How many are left? Grig: Including yourself? Alex Rogan: Yeah! Grig: One! Alex Rogan: ONE? [the Gunstar takes off]
Centauri: [to Grig] But I saw him fight! He could be the greatest Starfighter ever! Alex Rogan: That was just a game, Centauri! Centauri: Well, you may have thought it was a game, but it was also a test. Aha, a test! Sent out across the galaxy to find those with the potential to be Starfighters. And here you are, my boy! Here you are! Alex Rogan: Right, here I am, about to be killed! Centauri: Killed! You don't really think it's dangerous, do you? Don't be silly! Trust me!
Alex Rogan: Store's closed, mister. Centauri: I'm not here for cigarettes or bubble gum, my boy. Can you tell me the name of the person who broke the record on that game over there, and where I might find him? Alex Rogan: Alex Rogan, and you're looking at him.
Lord Kril: Damage report! Kodan Officer: Guidance system out. Auxiliary steering out. Lord Kril: Divert! Divert! Kodan Officer: She won't answer the helm! We're locked into the moon's gravitational pull. What do we do? [sound of Lord Kril's eyepiece swinging over left eye] Lord Kril: We die.
Movie Trivia:
- The first movie to do all special effects (except makeup and explosions) on a computer. All shots of spacecraft, space, etc were generated on a Cray X-MP computer.
Although Wil Wheaton's speaking scenes were cut, he can be seen in two scenes - running around the trailer park early in the film (wearing a red football jersey), and in the final scene, where he is obscured, standing behind Louis (wearing a blue jacket, possibly over the red jersey).
During the pilots briefing, when Lance is exiting the room, you can hear Slim Pickens describing the contents of the pilot's survival kit. This is an audio clip taken from Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964).
Atari actually programmed games for its 5200 SuperSystem and 400/800 series home computers as a tie-in with this movie. The games never went past the prototype phase (though extant copies do survive). Also, the game was nothing like the arcade machine Alex played in the film - the technology did not exist at the time to produce real-time 3-D polygonal graphics on a home machine. Rumor also has it that Atari produced one prototype Last Starfighter arcade machine, but it since has been lost. An early Atari 2600 program was revamped into the game released as "Solaris".
This was Robert Preston's last movie appearance.
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Alien, Trailer Park, Arcade Game, Planet, Space Battle ...[more]
Keywords All:
Brother Brother Relationship, Laser Gun, Photograph, Android, Outer Space, Mother Son Relationship, Alien Abduction, Handyman, Reference To The Wright Brothers, Navigator, Young Love, Space War, Face Slap, Waitress, Shapeshifting, Pickup Truck, Hologram, Teen, Part Computer Animation, Fighter Pilot, Father Son Estrangement, Grandmother, Destiny, Cavern, Severed Head, CGI, Assassin, Sabotage, Flying Car, Treason, Self Sacrifice, Ambassador, Human Needed To Save Alien Planet, California, Meteor, Spacecraft, Dual Role, Doppelganger, Rural, Profanity, Shootout, Porn Magazine, Asteroid, Playboy Viewed By Child, Car Accident, Camping, Self Repair, Police Officer, Frustrated Dream, Alien Contact, Kids And Family, Title Spoken By Character

Rating: 7.4 out of 10.0 - 58 votes cast total
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