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A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!
Movie Tagline:
The Green Slime are coming!!
Title: Green Slime, The Release Date: May 21, 1969
Runtime: 90 mins Genre: Drama All Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi Languages: English, Japanese Country: USA, Japan, Australia Colors: Color Sound: Mono IMDB Rating: 3.3 Brimstone Pit Rating: 4.3 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With G
MPAA Rating: G
Kinji Fukasaku
Robert Horton ...Commander Jack Rankin
Luciana Paluzzi ...Dr. Lisa Benson
Richard Jaeckel ...Commander Vince Elliott
Bud Widom ...General Jonathan B. Thompson
Ted Gunther ...Dr. Hans Halvorsen
David yorston ...Lt. Curtis
Robert Dunham ...Capt. Martin
Gary Randolf ...Cordier
Jack Morris ...Lt. Morris, Rocket Pilot
Eugene Vince ...Technician
Don Plante ...Technician
Linda Hardisty ...Nurse
Richard Hylland ...Michaels
Kathy Horan ...Nurse
Ann Ault ...Nurse
Susan Skersick ...Nurse
Helen Kirkpatrick ...Nurse
Carl Bengs ...Rocket Pilot
Linda Miller ...Nurse
Strong Ilimaiti ...Doctor
Enver Altenbay ...Technician
Tom Scott ...Lt. Scott, Rocket Pilot
Patricia Elliott ...Nurse
Tom Conrad ...Sergeant
Lynne Frederickson ...Secretary
Gunther Greve ...Technician
Clarence Howard ...Patient
Hans Jorgseeberger ...Soldier
Linda Malson ...Nurse
Burr Middleton ... (voice)
» [more cast members]
Walter Manley
Ivan Reiner
William Ross
Bill Finger
Ivan Reiner
Tom Rowe
Charles Sinclair
Charles Fox
Toshiaki Tsushima
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"Green Slime"
More Movie Taglines:
- The Green Slime are coming!!
- Invaders From Beyond The Stars!
- The Green Slime is coming!!
Movie Quote(s):
- [examining a charred corpse from which smoke is still rising] Lisa Benson: He's dead.
Dr. Hans Halvorsen: But it proves out: this creature lives on energy, and discharges energy! That would explain its ability to electrocute Michaels! One cell, one microscopic speck left on a space suit, and it would absorb all the energy it could find. Commander Jack Rankin: Wait a minute -- are you telling me that this thing "reproduced" itself inside the decontamination chamber? And, as we stepped up the current, it just... it just GREW? Dr. Hans Halvorsen: Precisely! And they could be reproducing on any part of this station, where even a drop of this substance can reach ANY form of energy! Commander Vince Elliott: Jack... the power room! If he's right, those things are going to be all over the place!
General Jonathan B. Thompson: Well, this confirms my first guess. The only answer is to blast that thing out of the sky. Technician: We'll never make it, chief, it's coming too fast. General Jonathan B. Thompson: We'll just have to move faster.
Movie Trivia:
- Many of the background players are American military personnel who were based in Japan at the time.
This film is listed among The 100 Most Amusingly Bad Movies Ever Made in Golden Raspberry Award founder John Wilson's book THE OFFICIAL RAZZIEŽ MOVIE GUIDE.
The theme song was covered by Josie Cotton on her 2007 album "Invasion of the B-Girls".
This was the first film ever to be featured on the cult TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000. An edited version of the film appeared on the show's never-aired pilot episode.
The green slime creatures were played by Japanese children in bulky monster suits.
IMDB Links:
» User Comments at imdb.com
» More information at imdb.com
Asteroid, Space Station, Fall From Height, Rapid Healing ...[more]
Keywords All:
Sweating, Alien Creature, Flickering Light, Scream, Alien Invasion, Propped Up Corpse Falls Down, Commanding Officer, Scientist, Alien, Cruiser, Satellite, Theme Song, Energy Creature, Champagne, Blood, Meteor Threatens Earth, Quarrel, Spacesuit, Celebration, Dead Man, Laser, Gas Gun, Female Doctor, Infirmary, Beauty, Drilling Machine, Escape Hatch, Wine, Nurse, Romantic Rivalry, Laboratory, Punch In The Face, Rivalry, Antiseptic, Creature On Fire, Quarrel Between Ex Lovers, Race Against Time, Corpse, Blood On Arm, Generator, Spotlight, Explosion, Slime, Shoulder Wound, Killing Alien, Board Of Inquiry, Giving A Toast, Evacuation, Remote Control, Corridor, Creature Feeds Off Energy, Ex Lover, Bloody Shoulder, Blob, Blood Spatter, Net, Fire, Tentacle, Petrie Dish, Forcefield, Arm Wound, Bloody Arm, Laser Gun, Cape Kennedy, Doctor, Self Healing, Bandaged Head, Rocket Ship, Ticking Clock, Thumb, Green Blood, Hospital Bed, Quarantine, Decontamination, Blood On Shoulder, Egotist, Many Eyed Creature, Isolation Ward, Ventilation Shaft, Wound, Commander, Romantic Love

Rating: 4.3 out of 10.0 - 54 votes cast total
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