The Ghost And The Darkness (1996)
Horror Movies & Sci-Fi Movies Database
In 1896, a construction engineer from the British Army, J.H. Patterson is sent to build a railway bridge across Uganda's Tsavo River for the British East African Railway. Soon after he arrives, workmen begin to disappear at night from their tents - never to be seen alive again. The engineer soon discovers that a pair of man-eating lions are stalking around the bridge and campsites, killing the workmen for food. He tries a number of different methods to get rid of them, but the beasts always seem to know what Patterson is doing and avoid being shot. After 30 men have been killed Patterson's boss recruits a hunter, Charles Remington to hunt down and destroy the lions. But the lions continue killing the workmen until they flee the camps, jumping onto the train as it rolls through Tsavo. Now Remington, Patterson and his aide must face these brilliant yet frightening monsters alone.
Movie Tagline:
Control Your Fear
Title: Ghost And The Darkness, The Release Date: October 11, 1996
Runtime: 109 mins Genre: Action All Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Thriller Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Color Sound: DTS, Dolby Digital, SDDS IMDB Rating: 6.6 Brimstone Pit Rating: 7.6 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With G
MPAA Rating: R
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated R for some violence and gore involving animal attacks.
Stephen Hopkins
Michael Douglas ...Charles Remington
Val Kilmer ...Col. John Henry Patterson
Tom Wilkinson ...Robert Beaumont
John Kani ...Samuel
Bernard Hill ...Dr. David Hawthorne
Brian McCardie ...Angus Starling
Emily Mortimer ...Helena Patterson
Om Puri ...Abdullah
Henry Cele ...Mahina
Kurt Egelhof ...Indian Victim
Satchu Annamalai ...Worker #1
Teddy Reddy ...Worker #2
Raheem Khan ...Worker #3 (as Rakeem Khan)
Jack Devnarain ...Nervous Sikh Orderly
Glen Gabela ...Orderly #1
Richard Nwamba ...Orderly #2
Nick Lorentz ...Photographer
Alex Ferns ...Stockton
Kaycey Padayachee ...Beaumont's Valet
Giles Masters ...Beaumont's Clerk
Patrick Gifford ...Patterson's Son
Justin Gifford ...Patterson's Son
George Middlekoop ...Station Master
Remaining Cast:
Michael Douglas
Grant Hill
A. Kitman Ho
Gale Anne Hurd
Paul B. Radin
Steven Reuther
William Goldman
Jerry Goldsmith
The Ghost And The Darkness Horror Film Trailer 1
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"Hamara Haath (Our Hands Unite)"
"Jungal Bahar (The Prey Song)"
"Iye Oyeha"
"Safari Ya Bamba (Journey to Bamba)"
"Terere Obande"
More Movie Taglines:
- Control Your Fear
- Prey For The Hunters
- Only the most incredible parts are true.
Movie Quote(s):
- Mahina: You know, I also have killed a lion. Angus Starling: How many shots did you need? Mahina: I used my hands.
John Patterson: You don't enjoy killing, do you? [Remington ignores the question by taking a swig from his flask] Hawthorne: Then why do it? Charles Remington: Because I've got a gift.
Angus Starling: Well, we all worked together. Worthy deeds were accomplished.
Charles Remington: Well, I'm a very considerate man. My mother taught me that. [Samuel laughs] Charles Remington: Now, what the hell you laughing about? You don't think I'm considerate? Samuel: I don't believe you had a mother.
Hawthorne: I wouldn't have thought bravery would be a problem for you. Charles Remington: Well, you hope each time it won't be... But you never really know.
Movie Trivia:
- The Lions of Tsavo were maneless, perhaps due to environmental variables, although maneless lions are not unique to Tsavo. Their taste for man may have been due to an outbreak of Rinderpest at the time, which may have depleted their normal prey. The legend surrounding this event is almost entirely based on the books written by Patterson which became run-away best sellers for their day, and made Patterson a good bit of money. It is possible, if not probable, the count of 140 deaths may have been trumped up a bit. Patterson certainly set himself up as the hero of the story, which certainly fit in with the Western notion of the "great white hunter" of the period. It is known that he killed both lions (both nearly nine feet long), and that they did indeed kill and eat humans. It is also possible that they did this because they may not have been able to kill and eat their normal prey as the jaws of the two show some sign of unusual dental disease. They now reside in the permanent collection of the Field Museum of Chicago, but the government of Kenya is moving to try to obtain the pair. The Michael Douglas character was introduced for the purposes of the movie.
Lt. Col. Patterson owned the skins and skulls of the two Tsavo man-eaters. In 1924, Patterson sold them to the Field Museum in Chicago for $5,000.
The real Lt. Col. John Henry Patterson published a book about his experiences, titled "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo."
There is only one scene involving an animatronic lion. All the other shots were used using two real life lions named Bongo and Caeser. The same lions also appeared in the film George of the Jungle (1997).
Michael Douglas' character Remington is fictionalized. Val Kilmer's character John Patterson killed both lions.
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Lion, Bridge, Railway, Africa, Train ...[more]
Rating: 7.6 out of 10.0 - 58 votes cast total
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