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Barnaby Fulton, a chemist, is working on a youth formula for a chemical company by testing it on chimps. His very understanding wife, Edwina, helps him by being very supportive. His boss' secretary helps by displaying her legs, which are wearing Barnaby's indestructible hose. When Esther, the chimp, mixes her own formula, and it gets in the water cooler in the lab, the fun begins! Barnaby goes back in age twice, as does Edwina. Wild rides in a hot sports car, roller skating, jive dancing, and scalping Edwina's childhood boyfriend, Hank Entwhistle, all ensue. Barnaby and Edwina live happily ever after, supervising Esther's formula-making.
Also Known As:
Darling I Am Growing Younger
Title: Monkey Business Release Date: September , 1952
Runtime: 97 mins Genre: Comedy All Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Black and White Sound: Mono IMDB Rating: 7.1 Brimstone Pit Rating: 8.1 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With M
MPAA Rating: Approved
Howard Hawks
Cary Grant ...Dr. Barnaby Fulton
Ginger Rogers ...Mrs. Edwina Fulton
Charles Coburn ...Mr. Oliver Oxley
Marilyn Monroe ...Miss Lois Laurel
Hugh Marlowe ...Hank Entwhistle
Henri Letondal ...Dr. Jerome Kitzel
Robert Cornthwaite ...Dr. Zoldeck
Larry Keating ...G.J. Culverly
Douglas Spencer ...Dr. Brunner
Esther Dale ...Mrs. Rhinelander
George Winslow ...Little Indian
Charlotte Austin ...Student
Harry Bartell ...Scientist
Faire Binney ...Dowager
Harry Carey Jr. ...Reporter
Olive Carey ...Johnny's Mother
Harry Carter ...Scientist
Ronnie Clark ...Bit Boy
Russ Clark ...Policeman
Heinie Conklin ...The House Painter
George Eldredge ...Mr. Peabody, Auto Salesman
Kathleen Freeman ...Mrs. Brannigan, Neighbor
Terry Goodman ...Bit Boy
Dabbs Greer ...Cab Driver
Howard Hawks ...Man In Opening Credits (voice)
Marjorie Holliday ...Oxley Receptionist
Rudy Lee ...Bit Boy
Louis Lettieri ...Bit Boy
Mickey Little ...Bit Boy
Emmett Lynn ...Gus, the Janitor
» [more cast members]
Sol C. Siegel
Ben Hecht
Charles Lederer
I.A.L. Diamond
Harry Segall
Howard Hawks
Leigh Harline
Monkey Business Horror Film Trailer 1
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"The Whiffenpoof Song"
Movie Quote(s):
- [to his secretary, whose assets are in other areas] Oliver Oxley: Find someone to type this. Lois Laurel: Oh, Mr. Oxley. Can't I try again? Oliver Oxley: No, it's very important. Better find someone to type it for you.
Oliver Oxley: [Miss Laurel opens door] I told you I didn't want any calls. Lois Laurel: Mr. Oxley, Dr. Linten's on the phone. I told him you were busy but he says it's very important. Oliver Oxley: Who is he? Lois Laurel: He... Barnaby: He's my new assistant. Oliver Oxley: Oh, yes. Just a moment, Miss Laurel. Find someone to type this. Lois Laurel: Oh, Mr. Oxley, can't I try again? Oliver Oxley: No, it's very important. Better find somebody to type it for you. Lois Laurel: Yes, sir. [Walks to door and closes it] Oliver Oxley: Anybody can type. [picks up telephone receiver] Oliver Oxley: Who did she say was calling? Barnaby: Dr. Linten. Oliver Oxley: Oh, yes. [Speaks to Dr. Linten through receiver] Oliver Oxley: Yes, Dr. Lintel? Yes? I know he's not there. Dr. Fulton is here with me. Ye - what? Really? What sort of reactions? Why, that's amazing! We'll be right there. Come on, Barnaby. You've done better work than you know. [Both run to door. Mr. Oxley opens door] Oliver Oxley: Come along, Miss Laurel. It's amazing. Barnaby: What's amazing? Oliver Oxley: Dr. Whatchamacallit says one of your monkeys broke loose. We've got to hurry.
Lois Laurel: [at her secretrial desk, responding to Barnaby's remark that she is at work early] Mr. Oxley's been complaining about my punctuation, so I'm careful to get here before nine.
Barnaby: Aw, c'mon; let's scalp him! Little Indian: No; first, we gotta do a war dance!
Barnaby: [Lois is exposing a beautiful leg to show Barnaby the "new non-rip plastic stockings" he invented. Mr. Oxley enters and is startled] Miss Laurel was just showing me her acetates.
Movie Trivia:
- The exterior shots of the Oxley Chemical Co. office building where Barnaby works was actually the Executive Building on the 20th Century Fox studio lot. It is now known as the Old Executive Building.
The off-screen voice during the opening credits is director Howard Hawks.
The address that Edwina gives when she calls the police was Ginger Rogers' real-life address: 1605 Gilcrest.
IMDB Links:
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Water, Water Cooler, Youth, Chemist, Potion ...[more]
Keywords All:
Boss, Secretary, Dancing, Older Man, Haircut, Young, Humor, Housewife, Ambush, Eyeglasses, New Automobile, Experiment On Self, Mistaken Identity, Invention, Chimpanzee, Cowboys And Indians, Self Discovery, Reporter, Chemical Formula, Singing, Mohawk Haircut, Car Accident, Jealousy, Mother In Law, Teen Angst, Beautiful Woman, Hotel, Rubber Band Shooting, Paint, Neighbor, Child Nudity, Beauty, Screwball, Marriage, Barbershop, Los Angeles California, Board Meeting, Face Slap, Secret Formula, Tailor, Monkey Actor, Reckless Driving, Goldfish, Scientist, Chemistry, Taxicab, Monkey, Baby, Rejuvenation, Lullaby, Absent Mindedness, Automobile, Children, Body Painting, Flirtation, Laboratory, Lawyer, Infant Nudity, Laundry Chute, Chemical Factory, Inventor, Science Experiment, Infant, Roadster, Serum, Chalkboard, Role Reversal, Car Dealer, Scientific, Roller Skating

Rating: 8.1 out of 10.0 - 69 votes cast total
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