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In the future, a nuclear war has transformed the Earth into a radioactive wasteland where the sea has dried up leaving it as a post-apocalyptic desert. In the desert, A desert scavenger named Nomad discovers a robotic head, arriving in New york City, A space marine named Moses Baxter buys the robotic head from Nomad as a Christmas present for his girlfriend Jill Grakowski, who decides to use it for one of her sculptures. But all hell starts breaking loose, when the robotic head is activated and begins to rebuilt itself. When Alvy, a junkyard dealer discover the robotic head is a Mark 13, a military cyborg of a project that was abandoned. Moses learns Jill's life is in danger, as the Mark 13 cyborg goes on a violent rampage in Jill's apartment as Jill has become the the prime target for extermination.
Movie Tagline:
It activates it exhilarates... it exterminates
Title: Hardware Release Date: February , 1990
Runtime: 93 mins Genre: Horror All Genres: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller Languages: English Country: UK, USA Colors: Color Sound: Dolby IMDB Rating: 5.5 Brimstone Pit Rating: 6.5 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With H
MPAA Rating: R
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated R for strong violence, sexuality and language. (also edited version)
Richard Stanley
Dylan McDermott ...Moses Baxter
Stacey Travis ...Jill
John Lynch ...Shades
William Hootkins ...Lincoln Wineberg Jr.
Iggy Pop ...Angry Bob
Carl McCoy ...Nomad
Mark Northover ...Alvy
Paul McKenzie ...Vernon
Lemmy ...Taxi Driver
Mac McDonald ...Newscaster
Chris McHallem ...Premier Boelgaxof
Barbara yu Ling ...Chinese Mother
Oscar James ...Chief
Arnold Lee ...Chinese Family
Susie Savage ...Chinese Family (as Susie Ng)
Fred Leeown ...Chinese Family
Mimi Cheung ...Chinese Family
Sebastian Chee ...Chinese Family
Richard Stanley ...Talking elevator (voice)
Remaining Cast:
Ray Corbett
Elizabeth Karlsen
Nik Powell
JoAnne Sellar
Paul Trijbits
Bob Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein
Stephen Woolley
Trix Worrell
Steve MacManus
Kevin O'Neill
Richard Stanley
Michael Fallon
Michael Apostolina
Simon Boswell
Hardware Horror Film Trailer 1
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"The Order of Death"
"The Ace of Spades"
"Cold Metal"
More Movie Taglines:
- It activates it exhilarates... it exterminates
- Welcome To The 21st Century!
- You Can't Stop Progress
- In the 21st century there will be a new endangered species...man.
Movie Quote(s):
- Angry Bob: [on radio] Kill! Kill! Kill! Today's death count is 578.
Jill: It's stupid, sadistic and suicidal to have children right now.
Shades: It's my heart - it feels like an alligator.
Chief: Machines don't understand sacrifice - neither do morons.
Alvy: Smells like apple pie...
Movie Trivia:
- Based on a story called "Shok" which appeared in the magazine 2000AD.
When Shades is preparing to jump past the malfunctioning slide doors, a flyer of Mona Lisa (1986) can be seen in the background. Both this movie and Mona Lisa were produced by Stephen Woolley and Nik Powell.
Richard Stanley originally wanted Bill Paxton as Mo and Jeffrey Combs as Shades. Paxton was enthusiastic about the script, but Miramax and Palace Pictures did not know anything about him, so they didn't contact his agent, and Paxton signed on for Navy Seals (1990) instead. Combs couldn't be cast because British union rules allowed them to hire only two Americans.
The nomad who unearths the MARK-13 robot is played by Carl McCoy, lead singer of the goth rock band Fields of the Nephilim, for whom Richard Stanley had previously directed two music videos and designed an album cover. According to him, McCoy's character in "Hardware" is basically the same as it was in the Nephilim work. The character, then titled Preacher Man, had a prostethic hand, yellow contact lenses and wore an old black coat with a cowboy hat.
Richard Stanley wrote a sequel to the film, called "Hardware II: Ground Zero", and tried to get the project off the ground for a few years. The sequel would have been somewhat different than the original film, closer to a western, with a much larger scale. The project stalled because the rights to the original movie are split between several parties (among them Miramax and producer Paul Trijbits).
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Sculpture, Post Apocalyptic, Future, Scavenger, Chainsaw ...[more]
Keywords All:
Killer Robot, Population Control, Pervert, Prophecy, Surrealism, Taxicab, Knife, Sculptor, Cyberpunk, Gun, Circular Saw, Infrared Vision, Syringe, Fragments Of Glass, Video Telephone, Water, Fridge, Cult Favorite, Peeping Tom, Death, Apartment Building, Electric Cable, Psychotronic, Shower, Security Guard, Bible Quote, Injection, Disc Jockey, Desert Eagle, Android, Hypodermic Needle, Radiation, Post Apocalypse, Chess, Independent Film
Rating: 6.5 out of 10.0 - 56 votes cast total
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