Zombies On Broadway (1945)
Horror Movies & Sci-Fi Movies Database
Two inept press agents are ordered to the island of San Sebastian to get a zombie for an opening night publicity stunt of a nightclub. They find a likely source in Dr. Paul Renault, who has spent much time studying (and experimenting) on the subject, but Renault has other ideas.
Movie Tagline:
Hee! Hee! What ghoulish glee!
Title: Zombies On Broadway Release Date: April 26, 1945
Runtime: 69 mins Genre: Comedy All Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Black and White Sound: Mono IMDB Rating: 4.9 Brimstone Pit Rating: 5.9 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With Z
MPAA Rating: 7
Gordon Douglas
Wally Brown ...Jerry Miles
Alan Carney ...Mike Streger
Bela Lugosi ...Dr. Paul Renault
Anne Jeffreys ...Jean LaDance
Sheldon Leonard ...Ace Miller
Frank Jenks ...Gus
Russell Hopton ...Benny
Joseph Vitale ...Joseph
Ian Wolfe ...Prof. Hopkins
Louis Jean Heydt ...Douglas Walker
Darby Jones ...Kolaga (the zombie)
Rudolph Andrean ...High priest
Dick Botiller ...Boss of cafe
Robert Clarke ...Wimp
Bess Flowers ...Nightclub Extra
Angela Gomez ...Knife thrower
Eddie Hall ...Man walking down gangplank with woman
Harold Herskind ...Stenga (Zombie)
Matthew Jones ...Fat warrior
Carl Kent ...Hot-Foot Davis
Sir Lancelot ...Calypso singer
Rosemary La Planche ...Entertainer in sarong
Virginia Lyndon ...Dancer
Norman Mayes ...Bit part
Emory Parnell ...Ship's captain
Jason Robards Sr. ...Headwaiter
Walter Soderling ...Professor with Walker at nightclub
Robert St. Angelo ...Steward
Nick Stewart ...Worthington
Max Wagner ...The waiter
» [more cast members]
Sid Rogell
Benjamin Stoloff
Robert Faber
Charles Newman
Robert E. Kent
Lawrence Kimble
Roy Webb
More Movie Taglines:
- Hee! Hee! What ghoulish glee!
- they're STALKING WALKING DEAD MEN... and it's a SCREAM!
Movie Quote(s):
- Jerry Miles: You see, we're doing some research work on zombies, and he said you could help us. Dr. Paul Renault: The fool! I know nothing about zombies. I came here to study a strange coconut blight. Mike Streger: Coconut blight? He said it was a banana blight. Dr. Paul Renault: Oh, Joseph is color blind.
Gus: I got an idea, boss. Ace Miller: Brother, I need an idea to get out of this jam. Gus: The cops find these two guys' bodies with a note pinned on 'em sayin' they committed suicide on account of they were so ashamed because they couldn't deliver a real zombie. Ace Miller: Hey, that's a possibility!
Ace Miller: You do not resign and you do not quit and that guy Walker does not make a monk out of me to the tune of eighty grand! Now get this - you either produce a real zombie on opening night, or I take Gus's idea.
Prof. Hopkins: Do you know what zombies are? Mike Streger: No, I don't. Jerry Miles: I'm not too sure. Prof. Hopkins: They are the living dead! Worthington: [Panicking] Oh, me, oh, my! Prof. Hopkins: Worthington, come back here! Worthington: Then please don't say that livin' dead stuff, boss. I'm one of the livin' livin', but you givin' me the feelin' that if I stayed here, I'm goin' to be one of the dead dead.
Prof. Hopkins: His name was Dr. Renault, Dr. Paul Renault. Over twenty-five years ago, he went to the only place where zombies were known to exist - on the island of San Sebastian, one of the smaller Virgin Islands, but I haven't heard from him since. Mike Streger: Oh, we don't want to disturb him, do we Jerry? Prof. Hopkins: I don't know if he's alive or dead, but if he's alive, he can tell you what you want to know. Go to San Sebastian - Paul can help you. Jerry Miles: What's this Paul like... if he's alive? Prof. Hopkins: A great scientist. Yes, some people say he is crazy. I don't think he is crazy... well, ah, not very crazy, anyway.
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Press Agent, Zombie, Nightclub, Island, Ex Gangster ...[more]
Keywords All:
Publicity Stunt, Sedan Chair, Radio Commentator, Grave Digging, Museum, Mummy, Black Stereotype, Manhattan New York City, Fainting Woman, Trapdoor, Monkey, Farce, Gurney, Mastiff, Hypodermic Needle, Broadway, Ocean Voyage, Serum, Coffin, Beautiful Woman, Castle, Mad Scientist, Henchman, Blackface, Ocean Liner, Sarong, Slapstick, Cabaret Singer, Greek Statue, Hand Bill, Virgin Islands, Gagged And Bound, African American, Chorus Girl, Laboratory, Guard Dog, Skeleton, Chorus Line, Nutty Professor, Prize Fighter, Racial Stereotype, Ship, Suspended Animation, Curator, Song

Rating: 5.9 out of 10.0 - 69 votes cast total
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