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When May was a child, she was a lonely girl with one lazy eye and without any friend but a weird and ugly doll kept in a glass case given by her bizarre mother on her birthday. May becomes a lonely weird young woman, working in an animal hospital and assisting the veterinary in surgeries and sewing operated animals most of the time. Her lesbian colleague Polly has a sort of attraction for her. When the shy May meets the mechanic Adam Stubbs, she loves his hands and has a crush on him. They date, but the weirdness and bizarre behavior of May makes Adam moves away from her. Alone, May has a brief affair with Polly, but she feels rejected again when her colleague meets Ambrosia. When her doll is accidentally broken, the deranged May decides to build a friend for her, using the best parts her acquaintances can offer.
Movie Tagline:
If you can't find a friend... make one.
Title: May Release Date: January 13, 2002
Runtime: 93 mins Genre: Drama All Genres: Drama, Horror, Romance, Thriller Languages: English Country: USA Colors: Color Sound: Dolby SR IMDB Rating: 6.9 Brimstone Pit Rating: 7.9 - (Rate This Horror Movie) Category: Horror Movies Starting With M
MPAA Rating: R
MPAA Rating Reason: Rated R for strong violence/gore, some sexuality and language.
Lucky McKee
Angela Bettis ...May Dove Canady
Jeremy Sisto ...Adam Stubbs
Anna Faris ...Polly
James Duval ...Blank
Nichole Hiltz ...Ambrosia
Kevin Gage ...Papa Canady
Merle Kennedy ...Mama Canady
Chandler Riley Hecht ...young May
Rachel David ...Petey
Nora Zehetner ...Hoop
Will Estes ...Chris, Adam's Roommate
Roxanne Day ...Buckle
Samantha Adams ...Lucille
Brittney Lee Harvey ...Diedre
Connor Matheus ...Kindergarten Boy
Mike McKee ...Dr. Wolf, Optometrist
Ken Davitian ...Foreign Doctor
Bret Roberts ...Distraught Man in the Veterinarian Office
Traci Burr ...Short Girl
Jude McVay ...Zombie
Tricia Kelly ...Amy
Norwood Cheek ...Guy on Bench
Jesse Hlubik ...Jack in 'Jack and Jill'
Jennifer Grant ...Jill in 'Jack and Jill' (as Jennifer Lyn Grant)
Meredith Hines ...Woman at restaurant
Lucky McKee ...Guy Making Out in Elevator
John Veague ...Man
Remaining Cast:
Marius Balchunas
Eric Koskin
Richard Middleton
Scott Sturgeon
John Veague
Lucky McKee
Jaye Barnes Luckett
May Horror Film Trailer 1
May Horror Film Trailer 2
May Horror Film Trailer 3
Movie Soundtrack(s):
"Deviation on a Theme"
"Do You Love Me Now?"
"Where Did the Home Team Go"
"When He Calls Me Kitten"
"Happy Birthday to You"
"September Bossa"
"Hanky Panky"
"The Propeller Plane Crash"
"Bullet Point"
More Movie Taglines:
- If you can't find a friend... make one.
- Be Careful... She Just Might Take Your Heart.
Movie Quote(s):
- Adam: Whatcha readin' about? May: Amputation. Adam: Is that for work? May: Nope. It's just for fun.
Mama: I've always said, "If you can't find a friend, make one."
Polly: You're funny. You want to watch me file?
May: [to Suzy, the doll] I told you to face the goddamn wall!
[Polly is making out with May] Polly: Do you feel weird doing this? May: I am weird. Polly: I love weird.
Movie Trivia:
- Director Cameo: [Lucky McKee] The man with his girlfriend in the elevator, both times.
Originally the film opened with a lengthy introduction to May as a child. But when the film appeared to be taking too long to get to its point, most of those scenes were cut. The opening with the adult May, specifically the first scene with her and her doll, were shot quickly and only to make the point that May was lonely as quickly as possible.
The scene where Blank and May meet was a re-shoot. In the original scene, May was not cold and vague, but angry, and insulted people as they walked by on the street. The scene ended with the two of them in the park. That scene is still in the film but entirely replaced and reedited. It is now the scene where Adam and May meet and have there final talk in the park. The scene is told only through close ups, with both May and Adam glancing off camera. They were originally looking at Blank who was sitting beside her. But he was edited out of the scene completely.
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Doll, Eye, Surgery, Sewing, Lesbian ...[more]
Keywords All:
Hand, Blood, Corpse, Eye Injury, Lesbianism, Shyness, Severed Finger, Seamstress, Social Outcast, Cigarette Smoking, Loneliness, Sewing Machine, Masochism, Blind, Avant Garde, Mole, Black Comedy, Obsession, Clothes, Scissors, Dead Cat, Ashtray, Stabbed In The Throat, Insanity, Bite, Leg, Gore, Stalking, Bathtub, Neck, Cat, Halloween, Taxidermy, Dead Animal, Elevator, Frozen Body, Mass Murder, Eye Patch, Cannibalism, Knife, Flashback, Broken Glass, Sink, Amputation, Animal Abuse, Severed Leg, Scalpel, Veterinarian, Insecurity, Teacher, Obsessive Love, Filmmaker, Mirror, School For The Blind, Severed Hand, School Dropout, Mental Illness, Independent Film, Character Name In Title, Surprise Ending

Rating: 7.9 out of 10.0 - 51 votes cast total
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